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Vegan Gluten Free Brown Gravy

Vegan & Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Gravy

Thanksgiving is in less than a week, and if you’re anything like me you just realized that a couple days ago and are now panicking a little bit. Dietary restrictions during the holiday primarily focused on eating can be a bit of a challenge, so I hope some of my recipes can help make sure […]

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Gluten-Free Gnocchi Aglio Olio (from scratch!)

Back in my gluten-eating days, I had a minor major pasta addiction. I’ve found a great brand of gluten-free pasta that is actually equivalent to regular pasta, if you can believe it (product review to come!), and I use that all the time! But I’ve always wanted to try making my own pasta, and decided […]

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Caprese Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Caprese Grilled Cheese

This past Wednesday was National Cheese Day, so I obviously had to celebrate during my lunch hour. My first idea was to simply make a grilled cheese, but that’s no way to celebrate a holiday honoring the greatest food on the planet. I remembered I had some roma tomatoes and mozzarella left from a previous […]

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